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Study Circle

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Study Circle

This spiritual activity of the devotional program is designed for adults and young adults. It is usually held weekly for one hour just after the SSE Assembly. The devotion coordinator or a designated member may serve as the moderator to maintain productive discussions. Members read, reflect, and discuss topics from selected books of discourses or writings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, together in a group. These discussions are meant to improve members' understanding of Sai Baba's teachings and their meaningful application in daily life and to foster love, peace, and harmony. As with other center activities men and women sit separately. 



"Study Circle is not just reading books. It means taking a point and each person discussing what it means to them. Like a round-table conference... The study circle looks at the different facets ... but, as in a diamond, there is one facet that is flat, and from it all can be viewed. To discover the top facet is the task of the study circle. The proper plan of study is reading, reflection and regular application in life." 


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SSE Calendar

2023-2024 SSSE begins in-person in September.  For any questions, please Contact Us